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How to leave Kindle Review (Mobile)

1.  Click "Your Orders"


2.Click "Filter"


3.  Select digital purchases


4.  Click on the book


5.  Click "Read Now


6. You may have to download the Kindle App or follow directions for the desktop if you want to use a mobile browser (so you don't have to download the app).

Read/flip through a couple of pages in the book and leave a review.

Desktop/Web Browser

Screenshot kindle 3.png

Step 1: Login and go to "Accounts & Lists"

Click "Your Orders" in the top right menu

Step 2: Click Digital Orders

Kindle 1.png

Step 3: Under Actions, click the 3 dots then click read now. It should open up kindle 

Kindle 2.png

Step 4: Read/flip through a couple of pages in the book and leave a review.

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